Friday, October 23, 2009
The Katnip Awards
Pretty in Pink Award
She not only survived cancer twice. She endured 7 breast cancer surgeries. And she came out with her sense of humor intact. Now Jamie Inman"s passion is helping others face the challenge of cancer through her Pink Café. She says she’s still got cleavage. We think lots of heart, too. Be sure to read "Sick of Pink Yet?" See why she inspires daily. @ibeatcancrtwice
Best Tweeting & Eating Award
He tweets. He eats. He scores. Usually simultaneously. Jeff is an advertising copywriter/social media consultant we knew BT (Before Twitter), although he’d probably prefer a BLT. It’s no wonder he has his own hashtag: #wwjce (What Would Jeff Cutler Eat?). He also happens to be in with the In Crowd at almost every social media event. One of the masterminds & stars of last week’s hugely successful NomX3 featuring @garyvee in Boston. Truly genuine, gladly helpful and great sense of humor. Definitely one to know. @jeffcutler
Illuminating and Informing Award
What men need to know about breast cancer. How a smartphone can help cancer patients. Which pink products really help make a difference. How you can keep working while going through treatments. The hidden blessings cancer offers. All kinds of valuable information is in one spot on twitter, and doing it well. @Bcsurvivors
Swashbuckler Award
He leapt out of the Twitterstream on Sept. 19 when he tweeted, "We suck! We will never win the world series...what? Not that kind of Pirate? #talklikeapirate" We’ve been paying attention ever since. Warm,
witty and even wise. A New Orleanian at heart who lives on the Left Coast and loves the Red Sox. He has a blog and he’s not afraid to use it. @kevinvandever
Thriver, Not Just Survivor Award
Three-time cancer survivor (2x breast cancer) who is now director of her own non-profit, The Staley Foundation, which supports cancer patients and their families undergoing treatment at Tufts Medical Center through education, advocacy, and immediate financial assistance. This summer she organized
Staley’s Riders to raise more money. Selfless, sunny, spunky and sweet. There’s a reason she’s getting a second nod from the Akatemy. @stales
Blinding Smile Award
You’ll probably fall in love with her based on her avatar. Then her bio will clinch the deal: "CEO of nothing. But very busy and important." Self-effacing but not shy. Funny, clever, and quick. Terrific new blogger who’s always interesting. An instant friend on Twitter that we wish lived around the corner, but then we’d never get anything done. @mjjaaska
Ride Like the Wind Award
He’s wanted by Interpol for his brazen Blip-ing of Christopher Cross songs. You may recall mention of him here in June when he lost the infamous BlipOff (aka BlipIdol) against @julito77. But he’s so much more than a passive-aggressive DJ. New England native living in ATL, this sports fanatic for all teams Boston is also a savvy media maverick who has just launched BuzzCal Communications. Truly one of the good guys, despite his taste in music. @jeffmello
Don of Civilization Award
His bio claims he’s a "Bleeding-edge Gadget Junkie, Early adopter. Apple loyalist. Marketing and advertising exec who's been into tech since before the microprocessor." We’ve known him since the days at Mullen, and happy to see he’s still fearless about new technologies. Sharp mind, inquisitive nature, and likeable style. Knows how to have an opinion without trampling yours. @donlorenzet
Check out previous Katnip winners.
Engage with us on Twitter.
Got comments? Leave them here.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Katnip Awards
This week, we're focusing on five who make Twitter entertaining, inspiring and a great place to be.
The Sassy Lassy Award
She’s smart. She’s funny. She’s quick as a whip and loose with a quip. But that’s not all. This marketing strategist helps small businesses do it right, and she tells it like it is… on Twitter and in life. Behind that sass is a heart of gold. Fun to watch. Fun to engage. A leader by example. Look at this morning’s tweets.
The Great Escape Award
Her bio says she’s all about escaping mediocrity in life & biz -- one adventure at a time. Follow her tweets and her blog, and you see she’s doing it. She’s one of the rallying forces behind 12for12k – which is all about using social media for good. Fun, lively, full of integrity and great information. She gladly shares her Escape Plan and dares you to come up with your own.
Den Mother of the Year Award
Oh, boy. Where to start? She’s the one who responds to your tweets, who takes an interest in whatever you’re doing, who lends support and rejoices in everyone’s successes. Case in point: when twitter friend @makinitright was in the hospital, she not only asked the rest of us for prayers – she went to the hospital see her. Kind, kind, kind. Energetic, intelligent with a sparkly spirit.
The Winning Hand Award
We noticed her back in our first weeks on Twitter. You can’t miss her amazing energy early in the morning. “Who is this relentlessly sunny person and what is this #PositivePosse” we wondered. Glad we found out. A whiz at getting things done for Very Busy People, she embodies that “can do” spirit that makes Twitter a better place. Talk to her about improving your productivity. Follow her to improve your mood.
Fearless Flyer Award
If Twitter is a circus, here’s your trapeze act. She grabs hold of the bar, swings to breathtaking heights, and then makes that leap to the next bar without batting an eye. At least that’s how it looks from our seats. Young, gutsy, willing to jump in to the headiest social media conversations with “the experts” and hold her own. She’s a a savvy communicator and bright light on Twitter, looking for a job in the real world – or clients who know a good thing when they see it. An asset wherever she lands.
Congratulations to all of this week's winners. Well done!
Next week: Leading Men.
If you want to nominate someone for a Katnip Award, tweet us!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Best of Katnip Awards
The Men
Where the Action Is Award
If it’s happening, he knows about it. He was talking about Presence Engineering when most of us were asking what Twitter is. He bought @chrisbrogan a beer from 1,500 miles away. And his blog about it got me into this whole crazy world. A great guy I’ve had the pleasure of working with IRL, a good friend in any space.
The Real Deal Award
Forget that a gazillion people worship at his feet. He didn’t ask for that. What he knows, he giadly gives away. In fact, he met us for coffee when we were all twitchy about Twitter. A regular guy with a heart of gold and a mind that never quits or takes naps. Not just a rockstar. The brightest light in any galaxy:
Best Lead in Branding Adventures Award
When he was a kid – excusez, l’enfant, he was most likely called a prodigy. He toyed with ad campaigns while others toyed with toys. Held patents while others held their breath. Now he stirs up passionate discussions about branding and social media. (Look at his July 1 blog for proof.) Has a loyal following, for good reason. Dashing and smart, happy to include others in the limelight.
Eureka Award
This guy was our favorite find of the week. Here is one reason why. And here's the other one. Still consistently delivers.
Fort Knox Award
If you’re looking for gold, he’s got plenty of it. Interesting links. Helpful tips. (Everything that has helped us manage Twitter better, we learned from him.) Plus a heart of pure Au. One of the absolute nicest guys we’ve met here. Be sure to say hello and engage him.
Smartypants Award
Always interesting. Shares good stuff. Mixes it up with all kinds of people. Asks questions that draw you in. And is not afraid to be real or show heart. Ad people love him. You will, too. His Friday Feeding Frenzy inspired us to start the Katnip Awards. The amazing...
Pinch Hitter Award
Late in the game, this guy appears with all the energy and enthusiasm befitting a first inning, picks up the bat, and hits it out of the park. There when you need him – with encouragement, an RT and that big bright grin. Did we mention that he was named NEDMA's "Direct Marketer of the Year" for 2009? Congrats to copywriter, creative director and social media marketer. We didn't know he had already written this when we gave out his award.
SmArt Director Award
In real life, he’s actually a hotshot Creative Director with an Art Director background. On Twitter, he’s the guy who leads you to wonderful finds on creativity, art, music… oh, yeah, and advertising. No ego. A generous sharer. All around sweetheart who will cringe when he sees this.
Most Rabid Sportsfan Award
It was a tough contest and lots of fun watching them duke it out. But then @jeffmello talked about music, leaving our guy to cover the bases. Hands down, the winner is a PR pro recently written up in Fast Company who also happens to consistently appear in the Top 20 on TwitterGrader's Boston Elite,
5-Carat Award
What can I say? This guy is a real gem. He has clarity, color and cuts through the clutter with his fun and interesting tweets. A copywriter who understands the meaning of the word “engaging”.
Sophie's Choice Award
What can we say? It was our first week, and already we couln't choose between these two. If you knew them, you'd understand. Fun, kind, interested in others, totally engaging.
@justinthesouth AND @scott_farrell
Like last week, this was harder than the Akatemy anticipated. So many other great men to follow! We encourage you to read about all the previous winners. Back with new awards next week.
Please give these guys a tweet and congratulate them on their win.
If you want to nominate someone for a Katnip Award, tweet us!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Best of Katnip Awards
The Women
MVP Award
We could write an entire blog about why we admire this person. Heads up her own dynamo PR firm. Adored by many. Turns followers into friends. A genuine, caring soul. Smart, shares great content, and infinitely engaging. Did we mention the best laugh we’ve ever heard on twitter? The true queen of the Twitterverse, and a very benevolent ruler.
Highly Infectious Award
Upbeat without being rah-rah. Human. Sincere. Helpful. And great at introducing and connecting wonderful people. If there was a cure for her, I would advise against it. Since she won her Katnip, our love for her has grown and grown. Her inspiring Love, Staci is one reason why.
Life of the Party Award
“Who is this chick we keep seeing retweeted?” we wondered. She’s everywhere. Passionista about art, music, film, design, comedy – fun! Also A++ for giving shout-outs, connecting people, spreading the credit & love. If this is a #worldwiderave, she is hands-down the leader. Watch how one RT from her goes round the globe.
Treasure Hunter Award
Looking for a wealth of great web and design tips, plus just great social media links on a daily basis? This is your girl. If we had $1 for every gem she’s uncovered, we could retire and tweet about the good life. A generous giver and connector, too.
Best Tweet That Wasn’t a Tweet
And that’s only because she’s been blogging 140 char. before there was a Twitter. She's witty, warm, heart of gold. Check this out and know why so many wouldn't dream of missing @amyflanagan
Alpha Centauri Award
Definitely one of the brightest and fastest rising stars here, her enthusiasm for social media is unparalleled. So is her genuine willingness to share what she knows and help others – including businesses and newbies – find their way in the Twitterverse.
Living Boldly Award
Gutsy brand strategist who this week, instead of curling up in a ball while awaiting cancer test results, wrote this. We love her for it, and so much more.
Cheerful Giver Award
Totally interested in others. In being the light -- not grabbing the spotlight. Her tweets always spread good vibes. Plus we think she’s onto something with her techniques for boosting natural energy, weight loss, body sculpting and more.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Katnip Awards
Click on any of the weeks from June 21 - August 14th.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Katnip Awards
The Katnips -- awards given to those who delight and
intoxicate us with their tweets.
This week’s winners are (drumroll):
The Tripp Worth Taking Award
The judges at the Akatemy were really in a quandary this week. We had planned for over a month to give a Katnip to one of our favorite ad people. She’s a top-notch, super respected Creative Director from NYC whose blogs and tweets are the source of terrific information about the industry. Our admiration has only grown as we’ve come to know her better. So when she featured the Katnip Awards in her new B r a n d F o r w a r d B l o g this past Monday, we wondered: Should we hold off, so that it doesn’t appear as if she “bought” our votes? The members of the Akatemy protested that they had waited long enough. And they won. You’ll win too when you start following her. @michelletripp.
Bells & Whistles Award
It’s clear just from today’s tweets that this relative newcomer to twitter is a natural. He’s funny. Engaging. Modest. And truly brings out the best in others. (Read his bio and his #FollowFriday recommendations.) Yeah, he called us gurus. But that didn’t sway us one bit. We’d love him even if he called us ginsu's. Deserves 1000’s of followers. @Daveisbell
Miss Helen Award
Remember Romper Room? Remember Miss Helen? She would look in her magic mirror and call you by name. That’s what it’s like tweeting with this award winner. You would never know she has 40,000 followers by the way she tweets, because she truly makes you feel that she has taken a special interest in YOU. Not sure how she does it. But she manages to engage, inform, educate, and be a real person. She’s trying a new experiment on twitter time management. We wish her luck. We’ll keep following. @sharonhayes
Hole in One Award
We started an alliteration game on Twitter. Ours: Driving thru drizzle drinking Dunkin Donuts. His reply: Eight excellent eggs earning exceptional extra energy especially eccentric egomaniacs. From there, he was unstoppable. A champion in every sense of the word, on and off the course. Author. DJ. Great friend. @jmbuckingham said it best. Please congratulate @golfnovels
Most Riveting Award
If you like your tweets wry, with a twist, follow this witty Paradox who looks like Rosie the Riveter and calls herself a Contrarian with a heart of gold. We love her spunk, her spirit. And her generosity. Look at her tweetstream, and it’s 99% engagement. We’ve yet to figure out what is “sub” about her. As far as we can tell, she’s a cut above. @submom
Bayou Bengal Award
The first time we met this fanatical Fightin’ Tigers fan, he’d just been out for a 40 mile bike ride... on a Sunday morning...before 8 a.m. That’s the kind of passion and energy he brings to Twitter, too, where he’s always full of life and mostly full of good cheer. (Okay, we won’t talk politics.) All about interacting. And committed to putting together another list of 200 Top Twitterers to follow. Put him on your list. @CesLSU
Green Goddess Award
She’s a marketing consultant and entrepreneur who also happens to know her way around a garden. A huge advocate of all things “green” – not just veggies. Always seems to pop up with an encouraging word just when we need her. Can help you with your brand, share expertise on social media, show you how to grow papayas in New England and make a good case for a French pedicure. @dvautier
Son of a Ghandi Award
Peace-loving, joy-loving guy Mumbai, India who’s all about positive change. In fact, he’s a leader in Change Consulting who is not afraid to admit he’s also a “Mistake maker.” Combines business with heart. One of the nicest people you’ll meet. @JoyAndLife
So that’s it. Congratulate to all the winners!
If you enjoyed this week's Katnip Awards, please spread the love.
And be sure to say hello when you're on Twitter.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Katnip Awards
In tribute: The Katnip Awards. (Twitter's Oscar or Emmy.)
And this week’s winners are.....................
Fruit of the Loon Award
We remember the day we first saw his tweets the way you remember the day you fell in love. Consistently hilarious. Dry as the Sahara. Sharp as a machete. Not afraid to be kooky, because he’s got that immense intellect to back him up. Oh, and the Washington Post – bastion of frivolity – likes him, too. Put him in your faves group on Tweetdeck. Not a banterer, but always satisfying. Enjoy a bunch of tweets like this from @badbanana.
Lights, Camera, Action Award
It’s easy to think that you’re tweeting with an adorable 10 year old, because this guy uses his childhood pic and is just so damned cheery. Then you remember that he’s an amazing, multi-tasking film director who shot his 1st Max Factor commercial at age 24. Since then, he's added companies like Coca-Cola, Levis, and Sony to his roster. Won music video awards. And much more. But we love him because he's funny, kind and a joy to behold. Ready for his closeup: @jwoon888
The Marie Award
If she never did anything other than create SOYAS -- Sit On You’re A** Sundays – we would love her forever. But this spunky one is half of Twitter’s "Donny & Marie". And has the guts to admit to being a Yankees fan living in Red Sox territory. Believes “smiling is the best way to go through life”. Let's have a big hand for: @vvarela1974
Sully Sullenberger Award
It wasn’t birds in the propellers that took us down. Just a very hectic schedule last week. That's when she stepped in, kept everyone calm and managed a smooth twitter landing (translation: she picked up our tweeting slack). Always interesting, informative and engaging. Genuine nice human being & cool freelance copywriter/blogger: @tcwsonja
Great Sport Award
Something about that mega-watt smile makes us just want to ….pick on him. We’re not sure why, but we can’t help ourselves. And he responds so good-naturedly that we like him more and more. This guy makes short videos to help Twitter newbies. And he’s passionate about being a rainmaker , showing lawyers how to do the same. Devoted husband and dad: @adriandayton
Designing Do-gooder Award
He burst on the scene last month at a workshop led by @goodridge. Okay, maybe he existed before…but Twitter has been a better place since we’ve met. Designer/Creative Director who’s friendly, always quick to share good finds on creativity and willing to play along. This versatile proud papa also helps community coalitions learn how to use social media. @JasonVerhoosky
Positively Potent Award
You have to get up verrrrrrrry early in the morning to beat the “Duchess of Sunshine“. In fact, we think the sun takes its cue from her. Her energy is amazing. Exceeded only by her generosity of spirit and all-inclusive attitude. Just because she started the #PositivePosse doesn’t make her a Pollyanna. She’s a force to be reckoned with when promoting sustainable, natural organic bedding for Natura World. Don’t just observe. Say hello when you see her. @juliarosien
Thriver Award
If you don’t fall in love with her from her avatar , maybe this will get you. She’s kicked cancer’s butt three times. Today, she’s not wasting a moment. Living life full-on. Getting more than just her golf-groove back. Director of her own non-profit and total delight: @stales
Grace Under Pressure Award
He builds websites in Wordpress. Shares good stuff. And devours info on personal development, marketing, history and more. But it’s tweets like this and this
in the midst of this that make him a real winner. @ brucelauzon
That's it for this time. Be sure to congratulate the winners!
Have a great week. And say hello when you're on Twitter.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Katnip Awards
Well, not so easy to earn. But very easy to loll around in. Here are this week’s winners.
Beauty & the Brains Award
Whether you want to get up to speed fast or stay in the know, be sure to follow this one. She’s the very charming, very smart Chief Content Officer for the very popular MarketingProfs . Somehow finds time to keep up her yummy personal blog, too. Her name is Ann Handley. Find her @MarketingProfs
Energy Booster Award
The fact that her day starts six hours before ours isn’t what give this winner a head start. It’s the pure positive stream that comes from her tweets. Always a warm welcome. Quick to jump in and play. When you see her avatar, you immediately feel better. Maybe that’s her Reiki magic. Maybe that’s just her. @Cynnergies
Ninja Wit Award
He speaks. He writes. He knows the ins & outs of Financial Aid and helped start PodCamp. But that’s not why we love this guy. Nope. It’s because he’s blindingly swift with lines like this. The fact that he likes his water frozen just makes him endearingly quirky. @cspenn
The Grass is Always Greenler Award
Spent 2 minutes reviewing his tweets, and you’ll see why thing always look better on his side of the lawn. This could also be called the "Glass Half Full" award. It goes to the Global Brand Marketer who knows how to share good content and spread good cheer. He’s got this appreciation thing down. See why you’ll appreciate him. @jgreenler
Has Everything But a Katnip Award
She claims to be the oldest working writer in advertising. Oddly, no one wants to take that crown away. What they can’t touch is that she’s one of the AdAge 150 power bloggers, #1 on Adweek's top marketers to follow on twitter, and the voice behind @BettyDraper. She shares awesome information on creativity, advertising, and life. Don’t be fooled by her name. She’s a high class dame all the way. @adbroad
Doctor Feel Good Award
His life-changing accident at age 25 set him on a relentless path to wellness. Now he gladly shares what he knows, encouraging others -- without ever being pushy. Gentle, kind, cheerful and wise. Even takes naps on Sundays. He’s a complementary & alternative medicine (CAM) practitioner, radio show host and avid fly fisherman. You must read his bio. If that doesn’t wow you, well, we’d have to check for your pulse. @ DocSpallone
SWAT Writer Award
She came in out of nowhere. And deftly took command. Funny, funny, funny. And the DM’s are only half of it. A “writer who tries to leave out the parts that people skip.” You won’t skip anything she says. A bit of a mischief maker. We like her even more for that. @kara_schwab
Hot Lips Award
You can’t miss the avatar of this one. One of the friendliest people we’ve met. She says her mission is to “spread love & cheer to others whenever I can; NOT on Twitter to sell anything or make money!!!” Oh, but Sharon could easily make a fortune as a Lip Model. @lebecross
These are all good tweeps, so spread the word. And check out previous winners in the archives here.
If you see someone you'd like to nominate, let us know.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Katnip Awards
Katnip is the Twitter equivalent of an Oscar or an Emmy. Only more frequent. And this week, the winners are:
Where the Action Is Award
If it’s happening, he knows about it. He was talking about Presence Engineering when most of us were asking what Twitter is. He bought @chrisbrogan a beer from 1,500 miles away. And his blog about it got me into this whole crazy world. A great guy I’ve had the pleasure of working with IRL, a good friend in any space. @MichaelCalienes
Winner Takes All Award
Smart, funny, encouraging. A true bonus on the Boston ad scene. Never underestimate a guy who can find the good in a migraine. Like having stacks of poker chips and a real solid bet: @Chip_Cook
Bottle This Award
One amazing vortex of energy and joy. She says some unfollow because she’s too exuberant. So if you like your tweets mild and bland, look elsewhere. At this writing, she’s the #1 Tweeter in Boston. There’s a reason! Congratulations, @1sweetwhirl
Living Boldly Award
Gutsy brand strategist who this week, instead of curling up in a ball while awaiting cancer test results, wrote this. We love her for it, and so much more. @SueSpaight
Braveheart Award
Very bold. Very funny. Very picky. Sometimes (okay, often) shocking. Can also move you to tears… sometimes in mid-laugh. High praise, & he earns it. @JimFormation
Engager Award
Twitter is about interacting, listening, sharing, responding. And this one does it in spades. As quick to Retweet (RT) as she is to @reply, a total delight who will make you feel seen and heard. Voice for the homeless in Atlanta, but a Mother Theresa with a sense of humor. @adamsconsulting
Treasure Hunter Award
Looking for a wealth of great web and design tips, plus just great social media links on a daily basis? This is your girl. If we had $1 for every gem she’s uncovered, we could retire and tweet about the good life. A generous giver and connector, too. @mistygirlph
The Bachelor Award
He’s funny. Quick-witted. Charming. Down to earth. Talented (we assume) graphic designer. Does not live with his mother as far as we can tell. Easy to forgive for tweeting about food. We really adore him. If he gets hitched from this, we want a finder’s fee. @Tsmuse
Biggest Loser Award (Not!)
She invited me to a Battle of the SadSongs --- then gave me suggestions on songs to play to beat her. Truly does not get the spirit of competition. A really good soul who always aims to inspire. @AriaaJaeger
Fave New Friend of the Week Award
Oh, so many to choose from. Truly. No, we mean truly. So how did she get this? By jumping in, full of life and enthusiasm and a total playful spirit. As far as we know, she’s still driving here from California to go to our beach… most certainly with the top down, wind blowing in her hair. @KimberleKelly
Please congratulate the winners. And say hello when you're in the Twitterverse.
Not there yet? Get on Twitter, and I'll help you get started.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Katnip Awards
We’ve got your Katnip here.
Ingenue Award
She burst on the scene sometime last week. We spotted her with her funny tweet to @kirstiealley. Had us all cracking up the rest of the weekend. She’s new to twitter and doesn’t yet know what an honor this award is. Say hello and be nice. You’ll be wanting her autograph soon, we suspect. @ElizabethSalz
The Muse Award
She’s elegant and sophisticated. Interested in architecture, design, music, poetry. Caring about the earth. And most of all, kind and caring about the people on it. Warm, friendly, smart, and savvy. She’ll inspire you with her tweets and her personality. @mollyblock
The Mellow Johnny Award
At the Tour de France, the yellow jersey (Maillot jaune) is given to the rider who had the lead the previous day—so he can be easily identified during the new day’s race. In advertising, that would constantly go to this guy. There’s a reason why he made Adweek’s “TweetFreaks: 50 to Follow" list. Always smart. Always in top shape. And has stayed at the front of the pack year after year. @edwardboches
Gleam in Her Eye Award
She has a delightful way of looking at life, and it shows in her tweets, her photography and her very fun blog. Love the idea of storytelling for grownups. @fleurdeleigh
350º Award
No pre-heating required. This guy arrives hot. His workshops are packed. His ability to connect people sizzles. His generosity in promoting others warms your heart. And there’s nothing half-baked about his presentations. Plus Tyson serves up freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies. @goodridge
Ray of Light Award
Her dawn breaks while most of us are going to bed. But that’s not why she’s the Ray of Light. You can feel the energy on Twitter change like the rising sun the moment you see her tweets. Bright, bright, bright. And full of nothing but joy. She took a little break, and we kept hearing Bill Withers singing “Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone.” Her bio says she’s a “happiness pollinator”. We couldn’t agree more. Be sure to say hi. @rosehwang
Sultan of Twitter Award
He claps his hands and says “Dance.” They dance. He says, “Change avatar to your 80’s photo”. They post 80s photos. He can get a conversation started about anything. His wish is our command. Couldn’t help but notice the harem that surrounds him. But guys like him, too. Most of all, he’s good to his subjects. @toddbrink
Mr. Rogers Award
Doesn’t wear the sweater or look anything like him. But boy, does he know how to welcome you to the neighborhood. Sweet, kind, fun. And always willing to lend you a spot on his blog. One of the good guys: @guestblogme
Favorite Lunatic Award
One of the first people we got to know on twitter, and still one of our faves. Pure, crazy fun. Loves pop cultures, not afraid to talk about it. Never takes self too seriously. As delightful IRL as on twitter. The name says it all. @nsane8
What? You didn't get an award? Hang on. Your turn may be coming. Say hi and engage.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Katnip Awards
We’ve got your Katnip here.
Tweet of the Week
Here we were, looking and looking. And this pops up right under our noses. This little joke got more RT’s last night than we can count. Hats off to @umarnasir .
Life of the Party Award
“Who is this chick we keep seeing retweeted?” we wondered. She’s everywhere. Passionista about art, music, film, design, comedy – fun! Also A++ for giving shout-outs, connecting people, spreading the credit & love. If this is a #worldwiderave, she is hands-down the leader. Watch how one RT from her goes round the globe. @KimSherrell
Fort Knox Award
If you’re looking for gold, he’s got plenty of it. Interesting links. Helpful tips. (Everything that has helped me manage Twitter better, we got from him.) Plus a heart of pure Au. One of the absolute nicest guys we’ve met here. @glennhilton
Cheerful Giver Award
Totally interested in others. In being the light -- not grabbing the spotlight. Her tweets always spread good vibes. Plus we think she’s onto something with her techniques for boosting natural energy, weight loss, body sculpting and more. @ZnaTrainer
SmArt Director Award
In real life, he’s actually a hotshot Creative Director with an Art Director background. On Twitter, he’s the guy who leads you to some really wonderful finds on creativity, art, music… oh, yeah, and advertising. No ego. A generous sharer. All around sweetheart who will cringe when he sees this. @mancevic
Hug It Out Award
When we needed a hug, she was there. Not IRL, but close enough. She is everything her name implies. Upbeat. Caring. Fun. Nurturing. I love the way she rallied when another mom needed some self-esteem pick-me-up. One to know, even if all your kids have four legs (like ours do). @positivemommies
Pinch Hitter Award
Late in the game, this guy appears with all the energy and enthusiasm befitting a first inning. He picks up the bat, knocks the ball out of the park. There when you need him – with encouragement, an RT and that big bright grin. This is one you want on your team. @cargillcreative
Front Porch Award
The day we met her, we threw out a line about sitting on our front porch. She was quick to play along, sending pics of the lemonade she’d bring over. Since then we’ve had to add more rockers (partly because we’re off ours). But she’s still got dibs on the best spot, especially as one who welcomes others and helps create real community in our virtual Mayberry. @vene2ia
If you don’t see your name here, don’t go claw the furniture or spray the front door. Your turn may be coming. Remember, you have to be seen to win. So say hi and engage.
Have a good weekend. And if you like this, please RT & leave a comment here.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Katnip Awards
Here are the people who delight and dazzle us – both tried and true tweeps and fabulous new finds. Last week we gave out 12 awards. This time, we’re going for 9. This will only make you covet them more, of course.
UPDATE. Inspired blog post by Danny Brown has led to late addition of 10th award. See below!
Ladies and Gentlemen, may we present:
Best Tweet That Wasn’t a Tweet
And that’s only because she’s been blogging 140 char. before there was a Twitter. Check this out and know why so many wouldn't dream of missing @amyflanagan
Best Lead in Branding Adventures Award
When he was a kid – excuse me, l’enfant, he was most likely called a prodigy. He toyed with ad campaigns while others toyed with toys. Held patents while others held their breath. Now he stirs up passionate discussions about branding and social media. (Look at his July 1 blog for proof.) Has a loyal following, for good reason. Dashing and smart, happy to include others in the limelight. @thebrandbuilder
Eureka Award
This guy is my favorite find of the week. Here is one reason why. And here's the other one. @adtothebone
Alpha Centauri Award
Definitely one of the brightest and fastest rising stars here, her enthusiasm for social media is unparalleled. So is her genuine willingness to share what she knows and help others – including businesses and newbies – find their way in the twitterverse. @lisahickey
"Thriller" Award
You can't miss the fact that these two give each other thrills and then some. But before you roll your eyes, know this: They not only adore each other, they create community with their warm and upbeat style. Truly sweet but not saccharin. Great energy. And they know how to bring the fun. @TamaraSchilling and @JosephRanseth
National Treasure Award
She finds and nurtures all the good stuff, from great links about art and creativity to easily digestible info about the quality of our food. A former National Rowing Champion, acclaimed designer and co-founder of a very cool agency who forgot to get a big ego: @parkhere
"Wanna Be Startin’ Something" Award
Whether she’s growing her gourmet cupcake business or ramping up the rivalry between @julito77 and @jeffmello on Blip Idol ’09 (this Mon. 7/6) don’t let her sweet smile fool you. This fun-trepreneur knows how to get things going. @foiledcupcakes
5-Carat Award
What can I say? This guy is a real gem. He has clarity, color and cuts through the clutter with his fun and interesting tweets. A copywriter who understands the meaning of the word “engaging”. @jphodgins
"I'll Be There" Award
It’s easy to meet a lot of people on twitter. This is one you want to know in real life. Totally genuine. Always warm. Not an ounce of pretension or ego. The ambassador of NOLA, and one who would show up for a friend in a heartbeat. Just call her name: @addieking
Smartass of the Week Award
We didn't even know he existed. We feel so deprived. We want the lost time back. But now you can count us in on his fan club. Funny! Gotta read his Social Media Drinking Game. @DannyBrown
That's it for this week, folks. If you don’t see your name here, don’t go claw the furniture or spray the front door. Your turn may be coming. Remember, you have to be seen to win. So say hi and engage.
Happy Fourth of July, all!
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Katnip Awards
Each week, I’ll give out 12 awards. Why 12? 12 in a dozen. 12 months. 12 apostles. 12 toes (oh, that’s just me?). If you don’t see your name here, don’t go claw the furniture or spray the front door. Your turn may be coming.
MVP Award
We could write an entire blog about why we admire this person. Heads up her own dynamo PR firm. Adored by many. Turns followers into friends. A genuine, caring soul. Smart, shares great content, and infinitely engaging. Did we mention the best laugh we’ve ever heard on twitter? The true queen of the Twitterverse, and a very benevolent ruler.
The Real Deal Award
Forget that a gazillion people worship at his feet. He didn’t ask for that. What he knows, he giadly gives away. A regular guy with a heart of gold and a mind that never quits or takes naps. @chrisbrogan
Highly Infectious Award
Upbeat without being rah-rah. Human. Sincere. Helpful. And great at introducing and connecting wonderful people. If there was a cure for her, I would advise against it. @StaciJShelton
Smartypants Award
Always interesting. Shares good stuff. Mixes it up with all kinds of people. Asks questions that draw you in. And is not afraid to be real or show heart. @smashadv.
Most Rabid Sportsfan Award
It was a tough contest and lots of fun watching them duke it out. But then @jeffmello talked about music, leaving this guy to cover the bases. Hands down, the winner is: @julito77
Business Tweet of the Week
He just got on Twitter, and this is why he's one to watch. @SethBrewer
Stealth Tweeter Award
So quiet, and then out of nowhere… BAM! Glad she didn’t stay incognito for long. @danamoos
Sophie's Choice Award
What can I say? It's my first week, and already I can't choose between these two. If you knew them, you'd understand. Fun, kind, interested in others, totally engaging. @justinthesouth AND @scott_farrell
Little Miss Sunshine Award
It’s early. First cup of tea. Caffeine has not kicked in. But she is there, and suddenly, you feel all better and can’t help smiling when you see her avatar. And she’ll always say hello. The value of this should never be underestimated. @jmbuckingham
Good Neighbor Award
The person on twitter that I wish lived next door. Always cheerful, always makes you feel important, and a great personality: @Blairsden
America’s Most Wanted Award
The biggest troublemaker, wanted for flagrantly flaunting all caps and creating massive mayhem. Also has deep moments. And a delightful smile. @ponet
Okay, that’s all folks. Be sure to congratulate the winners.
Maybe next week, it won’t be 12 awards! We’ll see. Want to get in on the fun? Get on twitter and say hi.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Making kibbe with Dad.

Most people think of grilling when they think of Father’s Day. But when I think of Dad, I see him in the kitchen.
You see, meals at our house were always better when my father was in charge. My mother, who is Irish, meant well. She did okay with vegetables and pasta and rolls. But when it came to meat, her people believe it's not done until it's grey, dry and dense enough to break a window.
Dad, on the other hand, was Lebanese. These are a people who love food. These are people who eat with their hands, who tear their bread and eat raw meat. Yes, that’s right. Raw meat. Not sushi. We’re talking beef and lamb. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Give me a small mound of beautiful raw kibbe, shiny pink with white specks of wheat and onion mixed in and a little melted butter poured over it, add some soft pita bread to pick it up, and Hello, Heaven.
You have to eat it right away… there’s no Gladware for kibbe. Whatever doesn’t get eaten has to be cooked immediately… which is fine for the Irish. But at that point it’s all over for me. I guess I am my father’s daughter.
And when it came to kibbe, nobody could make it like my Dad. Got the meat fresh from the butcher – who he trained to do it the right way. Top round, ground, 3 times. Always 3 times. Why? I haven’t a clue. But you had to ask for it that way, and somehow it was magic. Add some bulgur wheat. Even the name is fun to say. Emphatic and to the point. Bulgur.
“You’ve got to soak it first” he’d say. Then came the fun part: mixing it WITH YOUR HANDS. You would grab a little fistful of wheat and squeeze the water out. Then add it to the meat.
“A little meat, a little wheat” he’d say.
He would show me. Big burly man with his big brown hands in the big metal bowl. We would knead the mixture together, taking turns. I would look at him for approval, and he would nod gruffly.
“Ya, like that. Good Einou.”
Nobody knew what Einou meant, but we assumed it was a term of endearment. (Unlike “Dizey,” which our grandmother used to sing to us when we were babies. “Dizey, Dizey, I love you”. Years later we heard that Dizey meant “rocker”.)
Now Dad would pretend to talk like Grandma. “Here Einou. Put some Ka-moooon in.”
We would laugh, remembering how she would send me to the store for that spice I was little. How I stood there saying “Kamooon. Kamooon” to the puzzled clerks until the owner appeared from the back and grabbed the Cumin off the shelf.
“Here Einou, knead it with your hands. Knead it Einou. Good. Work it in. Good.” He would nod like Grandma and smack his lips as she did when her teeth weren’t in.
“Add some narne’ ’” he’d say, and I’d look around trying not to show uncertainty. Then he’d glance in the direction of the mint to give me a hint, and smile when I picked it up.
Finally, it was time for the best part:
“Try it, Einou. Does it need more salt?” We would always agree that it needed more salt.
Standing in the kitchen with Dad, I could always feel his pride that someone in his house wanted to know the Lebanese ways. I could feel his delight in teaching me the way Grandma taught him. And I could feel my own pride in being Lebanese, something we didn’t talk about much during those days when it was not cool to be Arab, much like now. But when we were making kibbe, we knew how very cool it was.
We are a people with big hearts, who knead our food and eat with our hands. We love the juiceyness and spiciness of life. And in our own kitchens, we don’t have to hide it.
It was rare when we ate kibbe at our house. Rare when Dad and I were in the kitchen together. Rare when anyone took the time to teach me to cook. So isn’t it funny that this cooking lesson involved no heat at all. Just the warmth of a father and daughter sharing a tradition, delighting in the love and the laughter that went into it.
I wish we had made kibbe together more often. I wish I had known then to write the recipe down.